The 6th Annual Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival 

[2015.05.22 18:23:55 | Germany | one comment]

On Wednesday, May 27th, 2015, the 6th Annual Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival takes place in Arlington, MA. They show 12 short movies about bicycle touring, from short trips to year long expeditions.

From the Press release: "The Festival’s mission is to celebrate Bike Month 2015 and to inspire attendees to explore by bicycle. Whether across the globe or a few towns away, there’s nothing that recharges and expands horizons like bicycle travel. The Festival will increase awareness and appreciation for bicycle travel by showcasing independent films that depict the adventure, humor, and growth inherent in two-wheeled journeys. The Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival is the ONLY film festival in the USA that focuses specifically on bicycle travel."

That sounds pretty interessting! Too bad that I'm not around Arlington at the moment, especially because my video "a nomad's live" has won the "Grand Jury Award".

So if you are in Arlington - or around - and want to see some great movies: the Ciclisimo Classico Film Festival Page has all the details. Also the Boston Globe reports about it.

And in case you miss the date, you can see the winner movie here:



