#88 Whitehorse [Tommy] 

[2013.12.26 12:26:31 | Canada | no comments]

Whitehorse, the startpoint for all to the north.

Visit whitehorse and go for using a motorsaw to buid (or at least see how to build...) a typical log house!

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#44 Moose Valley Provincial Park [Heinrich von Stephan] 

[2012.11.22 17:59:52 | Canada | no comments]

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Ab zu den Elchen! Und wenn der Park schon "Moose Valley" heißt, dann müssen da ja genügend Elche herum springen!


Und komm mir nicht ohne eine Ladung brauchbarer Echfotos wieder!

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#42 Nähe Killarney, Kanada [Katharina] 

[2012.05.16 15:33:24 | Canada | no comments]

ca. 1h via Kanu von Killarney entfernt liegt eine Insel mit einem Kunstwerk drauf. www.kanuschluessel.de.


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#79 Circuit of unclimbables [artischocke] 

[2008.04.20 13:32:11 | Canada | one comment]

circuit of unclimbables

"The Cirque of the Unclimbables" is the name given to a small cluster of peaks and walls in remote northern Canada, near the border of the Yukon and Northwest Territories. The Lotus Flower Tower, publicized in the book Fifty [...]

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